QuestionPro App Offline Surveys:
With the QuestionPro app, you can conduct these surveys on Apple and Android devices, even when offline. The data is collected and stored on the device and is synced with your QuestionPro account whenever online connectivity is available.
The QuestionPro mobile app is available on following platforms:
Device Configuration
iOS 11.0 and above
iPhone and iPad with 32GB storage and above
8 and above
Phones and Tabs with minimum of 4GB RAM and 32GB storage
How do I use the offline mobile app?
You can download and install the QuestionPro mobile app from your app store
One you have installed the QuestionPro app on your tablet or phone, you can link and access your surveys by logging in to the app using the device key and password.
Go to your QuestionPro account,
Login » Surveys » Mobile
You can access the device key and password for your devices under My Devices. Here you can add devices as needed.
Device keys are for a single device and cannot be shared or used on multiple devices.
If you wish to use multiple devices for data collection, you can purchase separate device keys for each device. Contact: for bulk username/key pricing.
Open the app on your tablet or mobile and enter the device key and password to link your device.
What are the different settings available?
To access settings and controls for the device key, click on the device name.
Here, you will be abel to access and update all available device settings.
Name: Name to identify the device or the device manager.
Email: Email address associated with the device.
Language: The language that we want to use on the device.
Folder: Here you can select a particular folder and all surveys in this folder will be synced and available on the device. You can also select all folders option. You cannot have more than 20 surveys on a device.
App Settings: Use this toggle to allow device managers to access and update settings on the app. Disable this in kiosk mode or if you don't want device managers to make changes to the app settings.
Loop Survey: Enable this setting if you want the same survey to be displayed on the device for data collection. After response is submitted, respondents will be taken to the start page to start a new response instead of displaying the thank you page. This is useful in kiosk mode.
Back Button: This option is used to Enable/Disable the survey back button on the device.
Online Connect: Using this option you can allow the system to automatically sync the collected responses as the survey is being answered. Also the mobile internet should be enabled for making this option work.
Include Incomplete Responses: Will also sync incomplete responses.
Text to Speech: Question and answers will be read out loud.
How can I analyze data collected based on the Username/Key?
When respondent answers the survey on a mobile device, the username/key is stored along with the response as Custom Variable 1. This data is available with all data downloads. You can analyze data based on Custom Variable 1 which is the Username/Key.
System Variable Based Grouping / Data Segmentation can also be used to analyze data based on the Username/Key. Username/Key for each response is stored in Custom Variable 1. You can set up grouping / data segmentation based on Custom Variable 1 to analyze responses based on the Username/Key. For more information see the help files for System Variable Based Grouping and for Data Segmentation.
Note: Since the username/key gets stored in the custom variable 1, please DO NOT make use of custom 1 variable within the survey in branching logic or in custom script/javascript.
How do I change or replace the device key in the QuestionPro App?
You can change or replace a device key by these simple four steps.
Step 1. Navigate to the menu bar on the app.
Step 2. Click on Settings.
Step 3. Click on the Device Key.
Step 4. Click on Sync and Reset Device
This feature is available with the following licenses :